A clergy appreciation breakfast sponsored by the Walthall CEC and Gaye Jordan Insurance was well-attended by local clergy at the L+L Multipurpose Center on Oct 26th. Pastor Glenn Allen was the emcee. State Senator Gary Brumfield and Tylertown Alderman Stormy Jefferson spoke to the group, along with others. Members of the Beta Club helped serve the meal, which was catered by the Frog Pond.

Please join the CEC in honoring the legendary retired coaches of the Walthall County School District. They gave their time, and often their own money, to work with the county’s youth. We want to ensure they know that the work they did has not been forgotten. Their mentorship was life-changing for members of the CEC and others in the community. The sacrifices they made have borne fruit by inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. Come and show your appreciation to them for all they have done for the community!
Tickets are available from Tanya Wilson at the courthouse, Minister Teddi Gatlin or Pastor Glenn Allen. Donations will go towards covering the cost of the celebration.

May 2024

The CEC has awarded two Scholarships in honor of KeChandre Dawn Gatlin for future educators in the amount of $500 each to graduates Cameron Smith from Tylertown High School and Isabella Boyd from Salem High School.
MS Gatlin was a math teacher at Tylertown Elementary School and Junior Beta Club sponsor until her unexpected death last year.

CEC members were at the Tylertown Primary School on Monday, April 8 as students watched the eclipse. Tanya Wilson, Teddi Gatlin, Pastor Glenn Allen and others were on hand to encourage students as they prepared to take state tests.

Motivational Moment for Feb 9, 2024
Ardemis Wesley was a breath of fresh air for THS students and faculty. He gave real life examples of how your decisions can and will affect your future. If you know Ardemis, you know he’s always dressed for success….yes, he was that day. His words spoke volumes. He connected with the struggles of the students and their dreams. Do what you’ve got to do, so you can do what you want to do. One of the goals of community engagement is to change perspectives. If we can do that- we Win! Thank you to Ardemis for his support and efforts to reach our youth and to strengthen the community. Encore, please!
Motivational Moments:
The CEC is providing motivational speakers at Tylertown High School on every Friday at 9:45 am. Judge Carl Montgomery and law enforcement officers spoke about the importance of law and order at the first one. Tylertown Baptist Church Youth Pastor Sam Caston spoke last week about his experiences. Tyrone Gatlin spoke to the kids on April 19, 2024.
Ms Robin Duncan gave the following updates at the Jan meeting:
The Winter Reading Program is underway. Please encourage all Kindergarten through 6th grade students to read at least 20 minutes per day.
The American Legion explained the importance of the poppy symbol to students and held a poppy poster contest for 5th and 6th grade students
A contest is currently underway for 9-12 grade students to have their art included in a mural to be painted on a wall next to the school district office building. The Walthall County Arts Council will be helping student with the completion of the mural in March/April.
March 1st is Read Across America Day. Anyone who would like to be involved in encouraging students to enjoy reading can contact Ms Duncan.
State Tests are coming up and the CEC will be there to cheer students on, encouraging them to do their best!
It’s not to early to think about enrolling kids in School Summer Programs. The programs are 4 weeks long, 4 days per week.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Members of the CEC meet regularly at the schools to show support for teachers and students.
Sept. 28, 2023
The county school district improved its letter grade to a “B”, just as local school officials had predicted after
analyzing data from a battery of preparatory results, including IReady, analyzing student performance.
The district improved overall, as did the state and most neighboring districts.
Overall, the Walthall County School District earned an overall “B” rank, the highest score the district has achieved since testing has become a part of the school curriculum. While the district achieved a “B” overall, Tylertown Primary scored an “A”, improving from a “D” for the 2021-22 testing year. Salem Attendance Center remained with a rank of “B,” same as last
year; Dexter dropped to a C after being
ranked as a B the previous year.
Tylertown Elementary scored a C for the second year, and Tylertown High School jumped two letter grades turning in a C rank this year, as opposed to an F ranking in the 2021-22 year.
The overall district ranking of “B” this year compared favorably with nearby school districts. The Columbia
School District was the highest rated in the area, scoring an A; Lincoln County, McComb, Lawrence County, Marion County, North Pike and South Pike were all rated as “B” schools, just as Walthall County schools scored this year.
The Community Engagement Council invited students to enjoy part two of the Gather and Share ice cream social at Tylertown Elementary School. Students listened to Carol Knight speak about the lessons she has learned in her life and career.
Business and civic leaders, and other community members interested in improving school outcomes are encouraged to get involved in the CEC. The CEC is a community-led group focused on improving a school or district. It includes parents, educators, students and community members. The CEC works with the school district and shares policy recommendations with school administration and the school board, but does not have the authority to set policy. The purpose of the collaboration is to include a broad spectrum of the community,
empowering multiple voices and perspectives to support school improvement efforts. Progress will be publicly reported to the community. Strong schools are crucial for providing a favorable economic environment for the community and for preparing students to be good citizens. The CEC usually meets on the fourth Monday of the month at the City Hall annex building.
Sept. 22, 2023
This is what the sign for PERFECT SCORERS looks like! We are so proud of the students achieving a perfect score on their 2022-23 MAAP Assessments. We had 49 perfect scores!
Congratulations to ALL!!
“I want everybody to be smart. As smart as they can be. A world of ignorant people is too dangerous to live in.” – Garson Kanin (1912)
Learn about the CEC and its purpose.
A community-led group focused on improving our school district.
Read about our previous and upcoming projects.